Meet our in-house Photographer Eley, with Eley Photo Studio.

Stephanie, also known affectionately as Eley (ee-Lee), stands tall as the lead creative behind the lens. With a height of 6 feet and a heart overflowing with empathy, she is here to craft unforgettable memories, especially when it comes to cherished moments like engagement photos.

Whether in the intimate setting of Eley’s studio or amidst the breathtaking backdrop of your chosen location, she specializes in capturing the essence of love and commitment. From the tender glances exchanged between partners to the joyous laughter shared during those precious moments, every detail is meticulously preserved through her lens.

What sets Eley Photo Studio apart is not just the stunning imagery she produces but also the personalized experience she offers. As a passionate and methodical photographer, Eley is deeply invested in ensuring that your engagement session is nothing short of extraordinary. From assisting with wardrobe choices to finding the perfect lighting, she is committed to bringing your vision to life and exceeding your expectations every step of the way.

But beyond the technical aspects of photography, Eley brings a unique perspective rooted in a commitment to social justice. Through her work, she strives to amplify the voices of marginalized communities, including women, African-Americans, and the visually impaired. When you choose Eley Photo, you're not just investing in beautiful images; you're supporting a mission to create positive change through art.

So whether you prefer the cozy ambiance of Eley’s studio or the picturesque beauty of an outdoor setting, you can trust in her company to capture your engagement photos with unparalleled skill, creativity, and heart.

To start the process , contact Eley at eley@eleyphoto for your custom quote:

When inquiring, please let Eley know that you are an Elite Makeup and Hair bride.

 To view Eley’s Photo Portfolio and Photo Studio:

Website: Eley Photo , Eley Photo Studio

Instagram: Eley Photo , Eley Photo Studio